Mirrors Supplier


How to make antiques glass mirrors?

In previous articles we have to say the beauty of antique glass for wall decoration. and also how to combine antique glass into an elegant wall hanging. and now we…

Tips install the mirrors.

Mirror became an instant solution to bring a broader impression on a small space, like a corridor. Installation mirrors unique way to make it look more attractive. We submit the…
Venetian Glass Clasic

Lounge with a large framed mirror Venetian glass classic for luxurious impression.

Showing the world the impression in the interior can be done in several ways. in the world of interior design, with large Venetian mirror is known as the creator of…
Venetian Mirror

Venetian mirrors: Paste or hang mirrors on the wall.

How to install mirrors the most common are stuck or hung on the wall. Mirrors can indeed be in addition to painting a wall charger or other display, as a…
Antique Mirror

Antique glass mirror for interior decoration.

As an artwork, it’s valid only if you present the form of antique glass mirrors as interior living room photo as a classic style. Sphere model with rectangular and bubble…
Deco Mirror

Large Art Deco Mirrors in The Pendapa House.

Embodying symmetry within symmetry, the mirror image of a mirror image, the Pendapa of this house is mesmerizing. Some Laweyan BATIK merchants hang KACA PENGGOLO or Large Mirrors in their…

Kitchen Set Behind the Mirrors Frame.

Using a mirror is an instant way to transform a small space becomes more widespread. what else is limited to Residence such as apartments. But no matter how small the…

Venetian Mirror: Art of Interior Wall Mirrors.

Art of Wall mirror in earlier times used by the people of the kingdom, they can be found in many of the palaces of Indonesia, when the solo, central java,…

What is effect Decorative wall mirror for the house?

Decorative Wall mirror is an object that becomes a wall decoration for house, bathrooms, a dressing, you can serve as decorative room, or tools for dress. Wall mirror turned out…

Hand Carved Mirrors for Wall Home Decoration.

At hand carved mirrors hanging on the wall, people can catch a variety of impression when looking at the interior decoration of a room. Some people want to stop and…

How choosing the style of wall decoration mirror?

Choosing a wall mirror design beautiful decoration is a priority for every family. Can provide comfort at the sight would have become the main consideration. No wonder if I have…

The main function of wall mirrors to small house.

  Wall mirror is an object that becomes a wall decoration for homes, bathrooms, a dressing you, can serve as decors room, or dressing themselves. In addition to room decoration,…

Margo Venetian Mirror

We are a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of Venetian mirrors in Indonesia. With our commitment to elegant design, superior quality, and competitive prices, we cater to individuals, wholesalers, and even large-scale projects such as hotels.

Whether you need advice on designs or sizes, feel free to consult with us. Let us be your reliable source for exquisite Venetian mirrors.

Contact Us

Dk. Tegalan Rt 02/08 Waru, Baki. Sukoharjo 57556 Surakarta – Central Java, Indonesia
Telp. +62 8121505539 Whatsapp : +628121505539 [email protected]
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Indonesian Mirrors Manufacturer
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