Mirrors Supplier

Antique Mirror Mg 014032


WDH : 160 cm x 45 cm x 80 cm


This console antique finish with big legs style is great as home decor with a position against the wall. Additional Venetian oval mirror above it makes a very stylish and amazing. Choice of space within their size must be a major concern. The one measure that we provide not as a permanent measure, you can also order the custom size. With antique mirror have finished on the each glass to give the impression of ancient or look style from hundreds of years old. This console is suitable as in the living room. With the addition of wooden craft vase on it can give the impression of elegance. If you live modern style in your decorate let get other items such as complement modern venetian mirrors in this site.

Margo Venetian Mirror

We are a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of Venetian mirrors in Indonesia. With our commitment to elegant design, superior quality, and competitive prices, we cater to individuals, wholesalers, and even large-scale projects such as hotels.

Whether you need advice on designs or sizes, feel free to consult with us. Let us be your reliable source for exquisite Venetian mirrors.

Contact Us

Dk. Tegalan Rt 02/08 Waru, Baki. Sukoharjo 57556 Surakarta – Central Java, Indonesia
Telp. +62 8121505539 Whatsapp : +628121505539 sales@margovenetianmirror.com
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Indonesian Mirrors Manufacturer
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